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Why Kuk Sool Won?

As a martial arts system, Kuk Sool Won covers the entire spectrum of the traditional Asian fighting arts and techniques of body conditioning, as well as mental development and traditional weapons training.

These include (but are not limited to):

Hand Striking:

  1. Closed and open hand striking methods: including palm, wrist, finger striking techniques and specialized hand training techniques
  2. Pressure point striking
  3. Striking using arm and shoulder
  4. Blocking and parrying
  5. Leg Techniques

Foundational kicks;

  1. Spinning kicks
  2. Jumping kicks
  3. Combination kicks
  4. Double leg kicks
  5. Pressure point kicks
  6. Specialty kicking

Throwing and Grappling:

  1. Body throws
  2. Projection throws
  3. Leg throws
  4. Pressure point grappling
  5. Grappling defense
  6. Wrestling techniques
  7. Ground fighting
  8. Joint-Locking Techniques

Restraining methods:

  1. Joint breaking techniques
  2. Combination joint locking
  3. Control and redirection techniques
  4. Arresting and "come along" techniques

Falling Techniques and Acrobatics:

  1. Body conditioning and agility techniques
  2. Body protection techniques
  3. Acrobatics for defense and offense

Body Conditioning:

  1. Overall stretching and flexibility training
  2. Cardiovascular conditioning
  3. Muscle training
  4. Ligament and tendon strengthening
  5. Joint flexibility and conditioning

Animal-Style Techniques:

Techniques based on the movements and/or characteristics of certain "martial" animals such as Tiger, Preying Mantis, Crane, Dragon, Snake, etc.

Traditional Korean Weapons:

  1. Sword:  short, middle, long, single or double, straight or inverted
  2. Staff:  short, middle, long, single or double
  3. Jool Bong:  nunchakas
  4. Spear
  5. Cane
  6. Rope
  7. Fan
  8. Archery
  9. Knife
  10. Short stick(s)

There are 24 different traditional Korean Royal Court weapons in the curriculum of Kuk Sool Won plus Buddhist and family weaponry.

Martial Art Healing Methods
(beginning at Instructor level)

  1. Acupressure
  2. Acupuncture
  3. Internal energy systems
  4. Herbal medicine
  5. Meditation and Breathing Techniques
  6. Various breath control techniques
  7. Meditation and breathing postures
  8. Concentration techniques